An asynchronous request that retrieves existing user data in the Yotpo loyalty system. User data is sent as a JSON file to the account email address associated with the Yotpo loyalty account.
What happens next?
If you received a 200 OK response and the Data Exists endpoint returned a response attribute of "has_data": true, you'll receive the user data via an email sent to the email address associated with the account. The email contains a link to a JSON file which includes any existing user data as shown in the response below:

- The link to the user data JSON file will expire 48 hours after the request is generated.
- The User Data JSON includes any orders metadata collected upon order creation.
"email":"[email protected]",
"name":"Guy S",
"history_title":"Make a purchase",
"title":"Make a purchase",
"history_title":"Make a Purchase",
"title":"Make a Purchase",
"history_title":"Make a purchase",
"title":"Make a purchase",
"history_title":"Make a Purchase",
"title":"Make a Purchase",
"reward_title":"₪5.00 Off",
"name":"₪5.00 Off",
"reward_title":"100$ guy coupn",
"name":"100$ guy coupn",
If your response came back with a 200 | OK code and you haven't received an email from Yotpo within 24 hours, please contact Yotpo support